Bias Interrupter Prompts
Some simple questions to ask yourself or of colleagues to interrupt any bias that may be impacting your thinking. These prompts are useful when thinking about hiring, promoting or distributing opportunities. You can also download here.
Stereotypes: Are there any stereotypes or assumptions that might be influencing my perception of this individual?
Affinity Bias: Am I favouring individuals with whom I share similarities or feel a personal connection?
Confirmation Bias: Am I actively seeking out information that confirms my existing beliefs about the individual?
Halo Effect: Are positive or negative impressions from one aspect of the individual's performance influencing my overall judgement?
Availability Bias: Are recent events disproportionately affecting my judgement?
Conformity Bias: Am I aligning my opinions with the majority, even if it may not be the most accurate assessment?
Negativity Bias: Am I placing more emphasis on negative aspects and downplaying positive contributions?
Counterfactual Thinking: What if the roles were reversed? Would I make the same decision?